Total Quality Management (TQM) Consultant Training Program
TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, service, agriculture and the government sectors. It includes the coordination of processes that focus on paying more attention to customers, statistical analysis, employees, equipment, and the core concepts of the new generation of industrialization. It helps meet the challenges and seize the opportunities that accompany the new wave of industrialization and improve overall productivity by applying TQM effectively to various industries. TQM is part of APO's strategies to drive innovation and strengthen SMEs in member countries; hence, APO has initiated various programs to convey the TQM concept and technology, including training programs and seminars held in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Taiwan, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Mongolia. The TQM consultant training program enhances the management technique of the companies to improve the production efficiency. The APO digital learning program and the seminars help the enterprises of the member countries enhance their competitiveness, and with our experts’ advices, the interactive activities including national report exchange, group discussion and field trips inspire the participating countries in terms of feasible indices and methods, and ensure the TQM enhancement of the enterprises. The conference was attended by 21 representatives including corporation consultants, managers, and government representatives from 12 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.